Join us for the inaugural Georgia Tech Data Days Symposium on Friday, Oct. 14, in the Global Learning Center.
Open to the Georgia Tech community, the Friday symposium includes a morning poster session and vendor showcase from 8 to 10 a.m, followed by keynote speakers and panel discussions. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit posters that highlight the use of data analytics or center around data security as part of the poster session.
The Data Days symposium is free and includes breakfast and lunch.
The event features Dr. Talitha Washington, director of the Atlanta University Center Consortium’s Data Science Initiative, and Dr. Phyllis Schneck, Chief Information Security Officer at Northrop Grumman, as keynote speakers. Washington is responsible for leading efforts to secure a historic $10 Million National Science Foundation Grant at Clark Atlanta University, which is being used to expand data science at historically black colleges and universities. A graduate of Georgia Tech, Schneck oversees global cybersecurity strategy and policies for Northrop Grumman and is responsible for the digital security of the company’s products, services, and infrastructures.
To register for the symposium, visit datax.gatech.edu/data-days/. Symposium registration ends Wednesday, October 12, at 5 p.m.